Breathe Coaching with i-Qi-coaching | transform your mindfulness and wellbeing

simplicity - compassion - balance

oxygen advantage


Oxygen Advantage (OA), was a process created by Patrick McKeown, the founder of the Buteyko Clinic International and author of ‘The Breathing Cure’ and ‘Atomic Focus’.

Whilst there are many principles which equally apply to the Buteyko breathing method as to Oxygen Advantage, with OA the focus is on the athlete and improving their ability to breathe under great stress.

Taking the measure of a persons Body Oxygen Level Test (BOLT score), we embark on a process of breathing exercises within one-hour sessions, which give an enhanced view of a person’s tolerance to the build-up of CO2. The sessions will be like the equivalent of training at high altitude, learning about the pressures the body and mind can withstand and how building foundations step by step can increase not only a person’s resilience physically, but also mentally.

This process strengthens the aspect of nasal breathing, builds up an improving control over the breath, increases a persons Heart Rate Variability (HRV), which is a great indicator to a healthy life. This increases the endurance of that athlete, whilst also increasing their recovery and improving a person’s performance, whether they are a 5K park runner, a weekend cyclist, tri-athletes and up to and including elite rugby players, cricketers and footballers.


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