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buteyko breathing method


buteyko breathing, a brief history

The Buteyko Method, (pronounced Boo-tay-ko) was developed by Ukrainian doctor Konstantin Buteyko. While studying medicine at the First Moscow Institute of Medicine, Dr. Buteyko observed a relationship between breathing and a person’s state of health. As a person’s health deteriorated, their breathing became faster, more upper chest and was often through the mouth. Buteyko wondered whether it was the increased sickness that changed breathing patterns or whether it was the change to breathing patterns that contributed to sickness. With the theory available at the time, he studied the role of carbon dioxide in the human body.

The Bohr Effect which was discovered in 1904. Stated that the pressure of carbon dioxide in the blood influenced the release of oxygen from the blood to the cells. Based on this, Dr. Buteyko began teaching his patients. To breathe through their nose and to deliberately slow down their breathing to create a feeling of air hunger. With many of his patients experiencing improvements to their health. The ‘voluntary elimination of deep breathing method’ was born. When his work arrived in the West, the name was changed to the Buteyko Method. In the early 1980s, Buteyko breathing received approval of its widespread use in Russia from the State Medical System. Konstantin Buteyko passed away on the 2nd May, 2003 aged 80 years.

The Buteyko Clinic International was founded in 2002 by Patrick McKeown BA, MA (TCD), Dip BM (Prof KP Buteyko), FBPI, FRSB. Patrick McKeown is a graduate of Trinity College Dublin. In 2002, Patrick completed his clinical training in the Buteyko Breathing Method at the Buteyko Clinic, Moscow, Russia. This training was accredited by Professor Konstantin Buteyko. Having suffered from asthma, rhinitis and sleep-disordered breathing for over 20 years, Patrick is able to offer both theoretical knowledge and his own experiences to help clients to overcome similar challenges.

There are now just over 300 Buteyko breathing instructors operating in 53 countries worldwide, I am one of those.

Our purpose is to retrain people’s breathing, so the natural use of their nose, brings greater stability to their ailments. This helps improve the condition of the sufferer and eases a client’s anxiety.

Conditions the Buteyko breathing method can help with:

Sleep disordered breathing: insomnia, snoring, central sleep apnoea, obstructive sleep apnoea

Respiratory: asthma, rhinitis, long covid, chronic fatigue syndrome, cystic fibrosis, PTSD and COPD

Circulatory: high blood pressure and hypertension

Neurological: anxiety, stress and panic attacks

Childhood development: dental health, craniofacial development and ADHD

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